Cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabis sativa (hemp) plant main bioactive ingredient is increasingly acknowledged to offer health benefits.
CBD is approved for treatment of rare neurological disorders, and is currently under many clinical trials in order to investigate its safety and effectiveness for treatment of pain, inflammation, and major diseases.
CBD is insoluble in biological fluids, and when taken as pills to be swallowed, during its passage from the intestine through the liver to the bloodstream, CBD is metabolized to inactive metabolites, often causing decreased bioavialability and toxicological side effects.
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is the second most common age-related neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s Disease.
PD is characterized by motor symptoms such as tremor at rest and rigidity, and non-motor symptoms including sleep disturbances, fatigue, pain, depression, anxiety, cognitive dysfunction and GI problems severely affecting almost all late stage PD patients.